Mobile Application for Student Assessment with Android

Afriyudi Afriyudi, M. Akbar


Bina Darma University as university-based Information Technology has stepped
forward in the vision and mission. One of example is the implementation of Information
Technology in the academic process, such as the Academic Information Systems, and
E-learning. This system would assist lecturers in teaching and learning activities such
as knowing the schedule of teaching, preparing teaching materials and conducting the
online grading. This applications will be built is an alternative application that allows
lecture to assess student work offline by using the android platform. Previous research
has been done by creating a desktop-based desktop applications with converting excel
data format that is used to input grade student and then the data will be sent to the
academic information system. In the process of development will be an android-based
application that allowss implification of the previous application. Applications that
will be designed for the lecturer can make an offline assessment to students, a feature
that was added to the android app is student attendance records. The methods to be
used in the development of this system is the system life cycle. The expected result is the
mobile-based application with android platform that can facilitate the entry process of
student grade and convert them to academic information system.


Student grade application, mobile based, Android Platform


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