Widi Hapsari


Batik is a craft that has high artistic value. Batik also has become part of Indonesian culture (especially Java) since long. There are so many designs old patterns of Batik. One of traditional batik motif is Parang. Batik Parang have decorative striped pattern and lined tilted. This research analizes characteristic of batik Parang and develops a software to automatically identify motifs of batik Parang image using line feature extraction. The pattern can be identified through a group of points that form the edge of a line and then detected as a line using Hough transform. The research material was 50 image of the sample data and 30 image of research datarespectivelyParang and non Parang. Both the accuracy of Batik Parang and non Parang recognition are 90%.


Canny, Hough Transform, Batik Parang

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